Monday, January 14, 2008

Dragon Powers

Dragons Blade,
Dragons Fire,
Dragons Sight,
& Dragons Speed,
Why do I posses these?


The Sky Tonight

The dragons fly in the sky tonight,
They fly to the stars just for a sight,
For a glimpse of love in the heavens eye,
In hopes they find it before they die.
Experiencing the feeling that go by,
Feelings of just you and I.
Times when love passed the day,
While we passed the night on
The beach by the bay,
The dragons are flying,
as they see where we are,
storing our memories in there majestic hearts,
Saving them for when the bad times come,
Knowing the day will not be finished by some.
Loving all humans and frightened by none,
Knowing they’ll all out live the sun.
Born to protect all humankind,
Staying strong, with a sound mind.
Learning to live through pain and through strife,
Knowing they’ll lead the hardest life.
Teaching us love and showing us the way.
Bringing us to the planes where emotions play.
Live by the night, fearing not the day,
For in our hearts or live do lay.
My feelings of love I share with them tonight,
For I know in my heart they’ll show me what’s right.
The gypsies are the priest of the dragons we see,
Only able to call them in times of need.
And lately we’ve talked for such a great deal,
That they know in there hearts that my heartache is real.
But times go on for ages untold and the dragon’s love will never grow old.
Forever they last in perfect bliss,
A new one born with each first kiss.
There are many dragons, there are many souls,
And from your heart the can never be stole.


Heavenly Breeze

Oh, Heavenly breeze,
Sweep over my wings,
As it carries me higher and higher,
I think about what the future brings.
Flying high, flying low,
I disappear into eternal night.
Before me the storm-clouds rage,
Howling in a constant fight.
Earth I shall never see,
I’ve lost all the Power.
My heart breaks under the weight of grief,
As I’m rising higher and higher.



I’ll leave the mouth of my volcano,
And I’ll destroy Thou!
I’ll destroy Thou!
The sun shall not rise,
Nor the flowers bloom,
Because I’m Thine Doom!
I’m Thine Doom!
The seas shall boil,
And the grass shall wither,
And Thou calls me a Killer!
Thou calls me a Killer!
Thunder shall hit Thou,
Blizzards shall freeze Thou,
Thou has slayed my Mate,
Thou shall share her Fate!


A Dragon’s Love

A fiery heart,
That melts my soul,
A sharped tooth grin,
To end it all,
Those wings thee spread,
For air control,
To lift my body,
Beyond my whole,
Up to the sky,
To hear your roar,
The dragon flies.
With delicate wings,
And glittering eyes,
A magic gift,
To lift you high,
Beyond the clouds,
Into the sky,
But your flight must end,
With morning nigh,
But in my eyes,
You will always fly.


Thursday, January 10, 2008


In the sea,
In the sky,
And on the earth we walk on,
There is a life, a life that is never seen,
It can swim,
It can fly,
It can walk before our very eyes,
Yet we can’t see it,
What can’t we see?
It can destroy the land,
Devourers the sea,
And erases the air,
And yet we still can’t see it,
Are we blind?


Dragon Spirit

With darkness comes light,
With light comes darkness,
These are the stars and the shadows,
With fire comes water,
With water comes fire,
This is steam and lava,
With fire comes air,
With air comes earth,
This is the dragon’s spirit.


The Heartless

When thou chooses thee,
The only path to the sea,
Heartless speaks to thine,
“The heartless has a path,
A path that is dark and terrible,
A path that won’t end,
No matter what people say or do,
For this path,
You need three things,
No Heart,
No soul,
And an evil spirit”
Heartless turns, and looks at the path
Ad says “the path is there
It’s late, we should go”
Heartless starts walking,
And beyond your control,
You follow
Becoming a Heartless


The Rement

When thou choose nether,
But the path between,
Rement speaks to thee.
"The rements path,
Is the path of Life,
Yet the path of Death,
It is the path of Dreams,
Yet the path of Nightmares,
This is the rements path."
"Why do you choose the path,
That is nether Good nor Evil,
Nether Right nor wrong,
Why do you choose it?"
Rement turns around, and looks
At the path, and says,
"The path is ahead, its time to go"
Rement starts walking,
And beyond your control
You follow,
Becoming a Rement.
