Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Grand Project

With the world set in motion
And the time unwound at last
Is there a chance to undo what has been done?

The Destroyers have made there move
And erased the keys of the Grand Project
There numbers and voices are too many and drown fixers

The Fixers have tried to stop it
But have only delayed it from happening
There numbers and voices are to few and small

The goal of the nameless
It was to make the Grand Project last forever
But every plan has a mistake

The nameless made the humans to keep the planet in balance
They made them in an attempt to make a creature that was able to live
Able to live through the cycles and movements of the universe
And the Grand Project

But in order to live they must have the power to think ahead
This was the Grand Project’s undoing
With the power to think humans had the power to destroy
This power was labeled the Destroyers

Yet there was a loophole they left
This hole was meant as a failsafe for the Grand Project
Because with the power to destroy comes the power to restore
This power was labeled the Fixers

Yet the Fixers where silenced because the Destroyers where too many
Even with help they couldn’t win the first trial
Yet there was a way that was overlooked

Because the Grand Project is living, it can choose what to do
It takes time for this because the Grand Project was not made to go fast
And if the Humans where to listen, they can here its decision

“You have lived and grown of my spoils
You have evolved and named me as your home-world
Yet you treat me like I don’t live”

“The choice has been hard, but if you don’t change your ways
Your time and life will end if you continue your ways
Please make the right choice and help me live my life longer”

This is the voice spoke by the water and wind
By the sky and stone it is also told
Yet we have just started to listen to it
Now that it is being listened to, will we follow what it says?
Or will the Destroyers rule once again?
Will the Fixers start to make a path for the future?

The Grand Design has told us to change in its own ways
And we need to listen to it
My choice has been made to listen to the Fixers

Do you listen to the Fixers and aim for the better?
Or do listen to the Destroyers and continue on the last path?
The choice is yours to make and yours alone
Make the choice that you feel is right.

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